Stretch - Pelvic Tilt

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 5-10 Reps, 3-10 Dur

Intermediate Abdominals Lower Back Glutes Stretching Body Only Gym Home

Purpose: This exercise strengthens the lower abdominal muscles and stretches the lower back.

Benefits: This exercise will give you more body awareness, especially of the lower back.

Stand up straight against a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your hips and shoulders against the wall. Your heels can be a comfortable distance from the wall. Place your hands on your stomach. Look straight ahead. You will note that your buttocks are touching the wall but that the lumbar section of the spine above the buttocks forms an arch which is not in contact with the wall. This is the starting position. Tilt your pelvis and squeeze in your abs and buttock muscles. Pull the buttocks upwards and forwards. Push your lower back flat against the wall. Hold this position for three to 10 seconds. Exhale as you squeeze your abs. Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The abs can be divided into the abdominals themselves and the obliques. The obliques are the outer abs and are used in twisting movements. For the sake of exercising, the abdominals are sometimes divided into upper abs and lower abs (this is not a technical division but something for exercising). Both upper and lower abs are used in straight line ab exercises while the upper abs are also involved in twisting movements.

Step 1

Stand with your back against a wall.


Stand up straight against a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your hips and shoulders against the wall. Your heels can be a comfortable distance from the wall. Place your hands on your stomach. Look straight ahead. You will note that your buttocks are touching the wall but that the lumbar section of the spine above the buttocks forms an arch which is not in contact with the wall. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Tilt your pelvis upwards and forwards.


Tilt your pelvis and squeeze in your abs and buttock muscles. Pull the buttocks upwards and forwards. Push your lower back flat against the wall. Hold this position for three to 10 seconds. Exhale as you squeeze your abs.

Step 3

Return to the starting position.


Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Stand up straight against a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your hips and shoulders against the wall. Your heels can be a comfortable distance from the wall. Place your hands on your stomach. Look straight ahead. You will note that your buttocks are touching the wall but that the lumbar section of the spine above the buttocks forms an arch which is not in contact with the wall.